Location de ski INTERSPORT Philippe Roux Sports Verbier


Orari di apertura Inverno

12 nov 2024 - 21 apr 2025
lunedì - venerdì
08:30 - 12:30 e 14:00 - 19:00
sabato, domenica
08:30 - 19:00


INTERSPORT Philippe Roux Sports Verbier
Place Centrale 12
1936 Verbier

+41 27 771 47 12
Cancellation option
Best trained staff
Rent instead of lugging

Buono a sapersi

Opinione del cliente

Valutazione complessiva
Gestione delle prenotazioni online
Personale del negozio
Tempo di attesa


Oltre 300.000 recensioni autentiche

Questo è ciò che i nostri clienti dicono di noi ...

5,0 Stelle
I walked in and I was immediately welcomed. The man at the register was extremely helpful and made sure my everything fit me just right! When I dropped off my rentals, I was again greeted right away and was all set within minutes. Thank you for an awesome experience!
Stati UnitiMariah, Woburn, febbraio 2024
4,3 Stelle
Hi I had a great few days skiing and enjoyed your ski service. We stayed at Hotel Chamois who suggested we booked with you. I am returning to Verbier with my family and friends on 3rd Feb for a week and wondered if you have a discount code if I were to rebook skis etc with you? I will look forward to hearing from you. Many thanks Lucy
Regno UnitoLucy, Halesworth, gennaio 2024
5,0 Stelle
Great service. My boots were really comfortable and they seemed new which was a bonus of coming so early in the season. Thank you
Regno UnitoKate, Penzance, dicembre 2023
4,5 Stelle
Ich musste im Sportgeschäft mehrmals drauf hinweisen, dass die Leistung bereits bezahlt war. Aber dann hat es doch noch geklappt.
marzo 2020